Clever Ways To Say Good Luck

Most formal and informal expressions of wishing someone are used to convey a positive feeling to another person. Luck is unluckily something that we don’t have control over, so it is a show of goodwill and kindness to wish someone a hearty ‘good luck’ when they need a little extra love and support.

  1. Clever Ways To Say Good Luck Quotes
  2. Another Way Of Saying Good Luck

While it is perfectly cool to use the phrase ‘Good Luck Synonym’ in most situations, you may feel that it has become kind of monotonous. Want to convey the same message in a better and more animated way? Worry not, here we are with all you need to know. Here are some of the best ways to wish someone Good Luck to people you care about.

Ways To Say Good Luck


  1. May the force be with you!
  2. Godspeed, friend!
  3. May God bless you – because you deserve it.
  4. Everything will work out just fine, I am sure of it.
  5. Best wishes.
  6. Go, blow them away!
  7. All the very best to you.
  8. Live super long and prosper!
  9. You were made for this. You got it!
  10. May the forces of evil be nowhere near your path to success.
  11. Buona fortuna! (‘Good fortune’ in Italian.)
  12. Bring the trophy home!
  13. Go forth and conquer, young man/ woman.
  14. Be a Viking!
  15. Go get them, tiger!
  16. I Wish You Good Luck, Rock on!
  17. Go, make a difference!
  18. There is a 50-50 chance that you will succeed, and I am rooting for the positive 50.
  19. As you go forward, always remember that I am your biggest fan.
  20. Find your fortune.

Good Luck Synonyms! List of alternative ways to say Good Luck in English with Pictures. Learn these synonyms for good luck to improve your English. 19) Some people say that retirement signifies the end of all of life’s tension, but that’s true only if you have a grand pension. 20) Retirement is just a nice way for the company to tell you that they have found more energetic, talented, youthful and skilled staff than you.



  1. May luck be in your favor, darling!
  2. You have my 100% support.
  3. Here’s a four-leaf clover I picked just for you.
  4. My prayers are with you.
  5. May your faith guide you in whatever you do.
  6. I am voting for you!
  7. Up and at ’em!
  8. Schwein haben. (‘Good fortune’ in German).
  9. May the blessings of *insert name of a famous celebrity here* be with you!
  10. May the winds of fortune always blow in your favor.
  11. I hope you win, buddy!
  12. Party on!
  13. Smooth sailing friend!
  14. Iyi şanslar! (‘Good luck’ in Turkish.)
  15. Kick their asses!
  16. May your roads always be smooth, and your burdens always be light.
  17. Believe in yourself, and you will make it happen.
  18. Gambatte! (‘Do your best’ in Japanese.)
  19. Do NOT be afraid of pressure. Always remember, pressure is what turns coal into diamonds.
  20. Bring home the moolah!


  1. You will do great!
  2. Mesmerize them, bud!
  3. May you easily access all the information you have stored in your brain.
  4. Bonne chance. (‘Good luck’ in French.)
  5. Fare thee well!
  6. Be your own boss.
  7. Go hit the jackpot!
  8. I am rooting for you.
  9. Mihi fotunam spera. (‘Good luck’ in Latin.)
  10. May Lord give you the courage to face any challenge with a smile.
  11. Build a foundation with the bricks that others throw at you.
  12. Bi’t-tawfiq. (‘Good fortune’ in Arabic.)
  13. Alles Gute! (‘All the best’ in German.)
  14. Win big time!
  15. Fight on bruh!
  16. Come back a legend!
  17. It really doesn’t matter what you do. I hope good luck is always with you.
  18. Jūk néih hóuwahn. (‘Good luck’ in Cantonese.)
  19. Break a leg!
  20. Take the crown home!


  1. Remember me when you are famous!
  2. Best of luck, buddy!
  3. Have fun while winning it!
  4. Many many blessings to you.
  5. Don’t mess it up, bruh.
  6. Knock them dead, pal!
  7. Do yourself justice, coz ye deserve it.
  8. Stun them all with your amazing performance!
  9. Wishing you lots of luck!
  10. Go with God, and don’t take any wooden nickels!
  11. There is absolutely no one better than you to take on this challenge.
  12. Take home the bacon buddy!
  13. Have a blast!
  14. Here is wishing that everything will turn out just fine.
  15. You are the ace!
  16. Viel Glück. (‘Good luck’ in German)
  17. May the odds be in your favor.
  18. Kalí tíhi! (‘Good luck’ in Greek)
  19. Here is hoping that all of your efforts are fruitful.
  20. Pull off the heist successfully!


Clever Ways To Say Good Luck Quotes

  1. You got this, sweetheart.
  2. Fortune always favors the bold.
  3. Luck to you!
  4. To infinity and beyond!
  5. I am 100% confident that you will do very well.
  6. May the good lord be with you.
  7. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  8. Hang in there; it’s going to be alright.
  9. I know that God will guide you and always keep you on the right path.
  10. Will you give me your autograph when you make it super big?
  11. I am completely sure that your determination and hard work will help you in achieving your goal.
  12. Go! Have fun storming the castle!
  13. May your future be filled with joy, love, and all the other amazing stuff.
  14. Use your head, make them cry!
  15. Buena suerte! (‘Good luck’ in Spanish.)
  16. Let me know when you win it!
  17. Call on a higher power, and you will succeed.
  18. Throw salt over your shoulder, and see your opponents lose.
  19. Here’s a rabbit’s foot.
  20. May your efforts yield a positive result.
  21. Make good choices, and you shall win.

You can use these another way to say Good Luck to people you care about when the straightforward phrase just isn’t good enough. Maybe it is your best friend, partner, or sibling who needs your support.

Get creative and use these greetings to express your feelings. Your individuality and uniqueness will be highly liked and appreciated by the people on the receiving end of your love and wishes. Bona fortune!

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Another Way Of Saying Good Luck


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As Chief Editor, Harini sets the tone and editorial direction for StyleCraze to deliver engaging, interesting, and authentic content revolving around women's health, wellness, and beauty. She has over 14 years of experience in content writing and editing for online media. She specializes in the areas of Beauty, Lifestyle, and Health & Wellness and is proficient in Medical Sciences (Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Biochemistry). Her background in Biomedical Engineering helps her decode and interpret the finer nuances of scientific research for her team. Harini is a certified bibliophile and a closet poet. She also loves dancing and traveling to offbeat destinations.