Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity
A twenty-something woman advises a group of seventeen- and eighteen-year olds that a coven of witches uses a circle inside a triangle as their logo and targets unborn babies for possession so that demons can take over the world; we hear that the witches paint their logo on the abdomens of the mothers of the 'marked' and act as midwives to ready.
- Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity 2
- Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Printables
- Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Definition
- Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Guide
- 2007 Paranormal Activity
Do you like horror movies, more precisely the Paranormal Activity franchise? If your answer is yes, try this slot. It has many elements from the movies in question. There is the triangle with a circle inside, some appearance on the Bonus Wheels that resembles a witch, a camera, and a few other familiar objects. Three words: Circle inside triangle. Non-demon example: At one point, Alex almost gets hit by a car while crossing the street. Any scene that happens to take place in the house across the street from Alex's house. Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. Molebsky triangle with UFOs. Molebsky triangle anomalous zone is very popular among ufologists. According to their statements, inexplicable paranormal phenomena occur in this area – sound mirages, UFO sightings, distortion of time and space, independent movement of objects in space. Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Popular Culture has Attributed Disappearances to the Paranormal or Activity by Extraterrestrial Beings Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience - The Day That Changed Our Lives Forever.
The Bridgewater Triangle Area
Although not an 'official' Vile Vortex, the inland Bridgewater Triangle is likely one of the world's most concentrated areas of diverse paranormal reports.
Located just 30 miles south of Boston, this 200-mile square area has the Massachusetts towns of Abington, Freetown and Rehoboth at its angles. The town of Bridgewater is located nearly dead center within the triangle and the area also encompasses six other Massachusetts towns: Raynham, Taunton, Brockton, Mansfield, Norton and Easton1.
Mysterious Landmarks
The Hockomock Swamp
The Hockomock Swamp, a 5000+ acre area lies within the western section of Bridgewater Triangle and is the hub of many paranormal reports. Also the site of an 8,000-year-old Native American burial ground, when archaeologists opened the graves of Grassy Island, the red ochre within the tombs bubbled and then mysteriously disappeared. Photographs taken of the excavation would not develop1.
The swamp remains shrouded in superstition. Called, 'the place where spirits dwell' by the Wampanoag Tribe of the Native American Algonquian nation, the Wampanoag avoided the Hockomock Swamp and the area remains a place filled with foreboding2.
Dighton Rock
On the banks of the Tauntaon River, Dighton Rock lies across from the Grassy Island Burial Grounds of Hockomock Swamp. Numerous inscriptions of unknown origins are carved into the face of the rock. Although various speculations attribute them to Native Americans, Vikings, and even Phoenicians, their identity has never been specifically determined 3.
Profile Rock
Profile Rock is another Bridgewater Triangle landmark that has gained a paranormal reputation. Located in Freetown, from a nearby hill, the rock shows a clear portrait of a Native American face looking out from the stone. Long before Massachusetts colonists arrived, the Wampanoag people considered Profile Rock sacred. Local legends claim that Native American ghost dancers in warrior dress dance around Profile Rock3, 4.
Anawan Rock
Located in Hockomock Swamp along Route 44 in Rehoboth, Anawan Rock is named for Chief Anawan and is the site where Chief Anawan surrendered to the colonists, ending 'King Phillip's War'. Legend says that the angry spirits of Chief Anawan's warriors continue to haunt the area, starting spectral fires and 'ghost dancing'.
Bridgewater Triangle Phenomena
Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity 2
Paranormal researcher, Loren Coleman, who named the Bridgewater Triangle in the 1970, revived public attention to the many paranormal reports emanating from the area.
Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Printables
Aside from the number and diversity of paranormal reports, what is phenomenal about the Bridgewater Triangle is that the first report of paranormal activity was made over three centuries ago, in 1760.
Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Definition
At 10 am on May 10, 1760, a 'sphere of fire' was reported to hover over New England and emit a light so bright that is cast shadows in the morning sun. Reportedly, the light was seen from both Bridgewater and Roxbury3. Since then, the area has spawned a diversity of reports that include paranormal events that range from ghost dancers to UFOs to Cryptozoological sightings.
Bridgewater Triangle UFOs
The 1760 report is likely the first documented UFO report on the planet. However, it certainly wasn't the last UFO report to come out of the Bridgewater Triangle.
- Halloween 1908 marked another UFO sighting, documented in local newspapers.
- In 1968, five people claimed that they saw a strange ball of light floating among the trees in a wooded part of Rehoboth3.
- In the 1970's, UFO sightings were frequently reported to occur in different areas of the Bridgewater Triangle1. In one 1976 report, two UFOs were seen landing along Route 44 near Taunton.
- In 1994, a Bridgewater Law Enforcement Officer reported seeing a triangular shaped craft with red and white lights.
- The town of Raynham frequently receives reports of glowing balls of light, floating over the ground at the local dog track3.
Mysterious Creatures
Cryptozoological sightings are numerous and varied in the Bridgewater Triangle. In 1970, reports of a big-foot like, 7-foot tall hairy monster and its footprints instigated both the Bridgewater and Massachusetts State Police canine unit to conduct a search for a bear. However, neither man nor bear was ever found.
In 1978, paranormal researcher Joseph M. DeAndrade claims to have observed another such creature as it slowly walked into the brush of the Hockomock Swamp, about 200 yards from his location. He chronicled his sighting in his 1997 book, Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors8.
Not all of the creatures that allegedly inhabit the Bridgewater Triangle are land-bound. Since 1971, several sightings of phenomenally large, black birds, with wingspans that stretched from eight to twelve feet, have been reported as well. Coincidentally, the first of these reports originated from Bird Hill in Hockomock Swamp. In 1984, two of these avian creatures were allegedly seen fighting in mid-air.
Bridgewater Triangle Ghostly Specters
Besides the legends that tell of Native American ghost dancers, reports of several contemporary ghostly specters come from the Bridgewater Triangle.
- A mysterious redheaded hitchhiker haunts a stretch of Route 44 in Rehoboth.
- A ghostly phantom appears in Hockomock Swamp near Route 138.
- From Freetown, a ghostly trucker is rumored to speed along the winding Copicut Road, blaring his horn and threatening passing motorists.
Parapsychology Vile Vortices Bermuda Triangle Hauntings UFOs Cryptozoology
2. “The Bridgewater Triangle” Terrifying Tales-Encounters With The Unexplained. 2 Apr 2008. 18 Apr 2008 <>.
3. Christopher W. Pittman. “The Bridgewater Triangle.” Massachusetts UFO Resource Site 2000. 27 Apr 2008 <>
4. “Bridgewater Triangle.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2008. 8 Aug 2008 <>.
5. Christopher Balzano. “The Cursed County.” Massachusetts Crossroads n.d . 8 Aug 2008 <>.
6. Brian MacQuarrie. “The old haunting grounds.” The Boston Globe 30 Oct 2006. 8 Aug 2008 <>.
7. “Paranormal Adventures in the Bridgewater Triangle.' I Want to Believe 10 Apr 2006. 8 Aug 2008 <>.
8. Ed Hayward. “Bigfoot of Bridgewater, Hockomock Crock?.” Bigfoot Encounters n.d . 9 Aug 2008 <>.
It’s Halloween, time for spooky movies, and the new film Paranormal Activity 3 does a terrific job in delivering the spooktacular. If you haven’t followed the series, Paranormal Activity 3 is actually the first story installment of the trilogy giving us the foundation of its Paranormal predecessors.
I won’t give away the plot (big house, bumps in the night, and Ghost Hunter esque videography) but in the climax of the movie, the audience is treated to a glimpse of perhaps why the activity is so paranormal and a tease of things to come. Its a fun film and perfect for the season and with the end of the film, I can only say that there needs to be a pre-prequel to tell the story of the apparition/demon Toby and what really is going on at Grandmas house. But it was the end of the film that I found myself pulling it into the Masonic nexus of freemason symbols.
Neared its end, there came a scene that made me chuckle and find a thread to pull with a link to Freemasonry. In the films transition from a faux cinéma vérité into a DIY shaky camera aesthetic, a la Blair Witch Project, we catch a glimpse of the why the activity is so paranormal. This is the last 15 minutes of the film that Derrick Deane of says “.. will ‘Mess You Up For Life'” which is right about where we find the Masonic connection.
It’s obvious that the sinister Paranormal Activity is coming from somewhere. Its not so obvious from where. Its not the benign ghosts from the Disney Haunted Mansion, or the night vision sleuthing of Syfy’s Ghost Hunters. On the wall, in the manner of the Satanic Panic films from the 80’s, is the Luciferian leverage to make it really creepy.
If you go watch the film, pay attention to the unicorn.
In the blur between the faux cinéma vérité and shakey cam we, from the vantage of the hapless cinematographer and stepfather Dennis, find ourselves looking for the missing wife and step kids amidst a flurry of things that go bump in the night. There, on the all where the cute and cuddly unicorn once rested is a modified Magical Triangle of Solomon followed by a quick camera pan to the infamous Sigil of Baphomet on the opposite wall.
While, neither of the symbols are truly freemason symbols, the Magical Triangle comes out of a tradition of King Solomon, the wise king and one third Master Architect behind the construction of the great Temple constructed in his name to house the ark of the covenant.
Christian tradition holds the wise king was benign and kingly in status, but when you read deeper into the subtext of Judaism and Islam, as Lon Milo Duquette does in his book The Key to Solomon’s Key: Is This the Lost Symbol of Masonry?, we discover a king, prophet, and wizard, on the level of the great eastern Magi. Duquette writes “…he [Solomon] could talk with animals, fly through the air on a magical carpet, and cause others to fly through the air to him.” One other thing Solomon is thought to of done was summon evil spirits. The Triangle comes out of a work called The Lesser Key of Solomon the King or Clavicula Solominis Regis, a work originally translated by MacGregor Mathers who, in occult circles, was a well known Golden Dawn mage and Masonic devotee in the rebirth of magical spiritualism.
As the symbol goes the triangle with the circle, Duquette refers to is as the Magical Triangle within which Solomon commanded evil spirits. As it was used in ritual practice, it was a place on within which the magician inscribed on the ground to hold the demons he summoned. While it looks good in the movie on a wall, the symbols when used to summon “evil spirits” it is to be made 2 feet from a Magical Circle on the ground in evocations.
The Sigil of Baphomet is a bit more abstract in the Masonic landscape. Coming out of the work of French Occultist Eliphas Lévi, the pentagram with a rams head is more a device to illustrate (represent) evil than serve as any summoning symbol. Often the illustration includes the words Samael and Lilith which are inscribed in the middle and come from the work La Clef de la magie noire, by French Occultist Stanislas de Guaita. Guaita was a student of Levi’s work and elaborated in image to Levi’s conception. The Church of Satan website says of the symbol “…oriented in the opposite direction, the pentagrammatic Star is nothing more than a symbol of iniquity, perdition, blasphemy: its two points in the air become the horns of the foul Goat threatening Heaven, and whose head is framed with the stellar pentacle, with its low ears in the side branches, and its beard in disorder in the single lower point.”
Levi’s work, in time, became important in the occult world at the rise of spiritualism in the late 1800’s along side with tarot cards, Ouija boards, astrology, and séances. Evidence of Levi’s influence can be traced into the workings of the Golden Dawn which is in and of itself an extrapolation of Masonic degree work.
Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Guide
So, with those two images at the end of the film, from an occultist’s point of view, it’s easy to see the film maker’s idea of connecting the Paranormal Activity to some form of magical summoning from which the terror ensues. Without a doubt, the two symbols have been absorbed by the black magic community and fallen into the material culture of all things evil, with Paranormal Activity 3 becoming the latest instance. As viewers watch the film and begin to ask themselves the meaning of the two symbols, it makes me wonder if it will incite another decade of Satanic Panic as it did in the 80’s or if the sinister black magic of the cinema will be treated as just another work of cult fiction made to titillate the timid with the evils of witchcraft and black magic shrouded in the horror things that go bump in the night.